The importance of traceability in industry
Traceability provides key information not only for the customer, but also for continuous process improvement.
In this article, we will discuss traceability and why it is so important.
Artículos y herramientas sobre automatización y procesos industriales para que estés al día del futuro de la industria. Novedades SMARTPM y más sobre nuestros productos.
Traceability provides key information not only for the customer, but also for continuous process improvement.
In this article, we will discuss traceability and why it is so important.
Es posible que en tu taller no tengas una mariposa aleteando, pero la anarquía puede ser desatada de mil y una formas.
Conoce 6 estrategias para reducir la anarquía y mejorar tu competitividad.
Is it possible to achieve the transition to smart industry alone?
We discuss this in our blog.
Having a system that provides real-time process information can help improve business productivity.
But process visibility goes beyond exporting and storing data.
To help you find the answer, we would like to reflect on the main highlights of this industrial «revolution».
And answer the question of whether it is feasible for companies to think about Industry 5.0 right now, even before Industry 4.0.
Automation can be an important factor in reducing energy costs in companies and this article explains why.
EDM is an established and, in some cases, irreplaceable process, although it does have some limitations in terms of productivity and quality.
The emergence of new developments related to automation are an opportunity to address these limitations. Keep reading.
How can we reduce the total production time while maintaining quality and making better use of the resources available to us?
We talk about excessive production lead times and the OEE index, which measures the overall efficiency of production teams.
In 1982, director Steven Lisberger surprised the world with Tron, a film in which a programmer is absorbed into the digital world by an evil programme from which he needs to escape to get back to the real world. “Digital” and “analogue” as conflicting worlds.
What is the gap between information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT) in industry today?
Recibe nuevos artículos sobre industria, automatización y novedades de SMARTPM.